A Tale of Two Tires

As of this writing, I’ve lived in my house for eight years. And in those eight years, I’ve had two tires rip off moving cars and roll up onto my property. I’m willing to bet that’s at least one more tire-rip-roll than most homeowners have experienced.

Tire #1 happened a few winters ago. My kitchen window overlooks the busy road we live on. I started brewing a pot of coffee and as I did, glanced out the window at our snow-covered front lawn. So pristine. So winter-y.

I went to the refrigerator, removed the creamer, and went back to the coffee pot. As I did, I looked out the window again. This time, I saw a big black doughnut laying next to a fire hydrant by the road. It took me a second to register what it was, and when I did, I ran outside and saw a work truck - sans one wheel - resting gently on the hill of snow that lined the road.

I ran over to the truck and saw two guys inside. I asked them how they were and they said, “cool” and “good” respectively. Let’s face it - they were in shock. They were damn lucky they landed the way they did, and they still seemed to be in the process of realizing their good fortune. I offered them some coffee, but they politely declined. They called a tow truck and eventually departed. I never got their contact info, so we do not keep in touch.

I went over to the road, expecting to see a disabled car blocking traffic. But the cars were moving along as normal. How is that possible? That tire was warm from a violent ripping. It was no mere spare.

Tire #2 occurred a couple years later in the summer. I’d been mowing my lawn, just casually going from one horizontal row to the next. That's how I mow. I was listening to music, so I didn’t hear anything, but from the corner of my eye I caught something moving in the middle of the lawn. I think you already know what it is (if not, check the title above for clues).

I turned off the mower and walked over to the tire. The sidewalls were ragged and when I touched them, they were still hot. It had obviously just been ripped off the side of a moving car. Exciting stuff!

I went over to the road, expecting to see a disabled car blocking traffic (we have no shoulder - don’t pity me). But the cars were moving along as normal. How is that possible? That tire was warm from a violent ripping. It was no mere spare. Where was its owner? Did it come from space maybe?

Sadly, I have no answer. Weird stuff happens to me, and a reason is not always given. Maybe someday a third tire will appear with all the answers and everything will finally make sense. Probably not, though.